Monday, January 24, 2011

What do your kids do when they are out of school? Kids Can offers full day programs for elementary students when OPS is out of school.

Join us for fun, games, art projects, field trip and more! Breakfast, lunch and snack included. Title XX accepted.

Register with Stephanie for the February 21st & 22nd daybreak by emailing her at

Upcoming Days Out of School:
February 21st & 22nd
March 10th & 11th
March 21st-25th - Spring Break
April 29th & May 3rd

Check out some of our pictures from our January 17th Daybreak playing in the snow!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year! Highlights from 2010 at Kids Can

Kids Can had a great 2010, and we’re looking forward to an even better 2011! We want to take this opportunity to thank our friends and donors for their support throughout the year by helping to make Kids Can a very special place for our children and families. We look forward to your support in the new year as we continue our mission of empowering children and parents to reach their potential and enabling older adults to maintain their independence.

As the new year begins, we want to share some highlights from a very successful 2010 at Kids Can. Enjoy! ~ Robert Patterson