Friday, July 16, 2010

Childhood obesity

We've all heard the news reports: childhood obesity is bad and is getting worse. But just how bad is it? According to the Centers For Disease Control, in 2008 19.6% of children aged 6-11 were obese and 18.1% of adolescents aged 12-19 were obese. Compare this to the figures as they were 30 years ago (6.5% and 5% respectively) and you can see the concern. Effects of obesity can include high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, poor self-esteem, and an increased likelihood of being obese as an adult (to name a few). Despite the bad news, there are things that you, as a parent, can do to combat your child becoming part of the statistics. A proper diet, regular exercise, and time together as a family can do wonders! For more information, check out our latest update in the Parent Resources section of our website -

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